Saturday, April 12, 2008

Golf club

Right in front of me

My enemy white and rounded

The dimples glare in the shining sun

The green land beyond me is my target

Wanting to avoid the trees

The round thing stares at me not moving

I watch it

Never taking my sight off it

I know what I have to do

Pull back and smash it

It soars through the air

I am quite proud

Can’t wait until next time

In this poem I am trying to make the reader be in the eyes of a golf club. I wan the reader to feel how much the club wants to hurt it.


My amazingly great dad

Basketball skills are pretty sad

He misses his shots

He still thinks he’s hot

The jump

My friend, enemy

I speed off it and I soar

This time it is my friend

When I am saying that it is my friend or enemy it means I am landing or falling.

Boys in the Hall

They walked miles and miles in boots and shoes
To wipe out poverty, no time to lose
Where was the fairness?
They marched for awareness
Sad situations upon which to muse