Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Killer

New York 11:00 pm, Friday May 12, 2008

Darcy Young walked down a dark alley leaving her work place. She was a waitress at a Ruth Chris’s steakhouse. She had dark brown hair blue eyes and she was exactly 5 foot 8. She was very attractive. She lived with her husband Spencer Young in an apartment on 3rd street. He was large and muscular with blonde hair and brown eyes and he is 6 feet and 3 quarters. They had one dog named Mike. He was a six-year-old Golden Retriever. Suddenly somebody’s hand landed on her shoulders. She spun around and it was Spencer holding tulips for her.

Oh Spencer you scared me exclaimed Darcy.

Sorry… I bought you some tulips.

Thanks Spencer they’re beautiful.

Before he could reply a man started strangling Spencer and Darcy. Darcy fell to the ground unconscious but Spencer punched the mysterious stranger in the face and jumped on him Spencer started punching wildly but the man caught his punch and broke his arm. Spencer screamed for help but the man knocked him unconscious.

When Darcy woke up her hands were tied and she was gagged. She spotted Spencer being beaten with a whip, his face was bruised and bloody and both arms were twisted in a weird way.
Stop, stop, stop he screamed.

The man was continuously beating him he but his arms up but it was no use then his body went limp. The man walked over to her and started beating her as well she was helpless and she died.

New York 10: 23 am, Tuesday August 25, 2008

Tyson Fortnum sat at his desk on the hottest day of the year. It was 39 degrees Celsius and the air conditioning was broking so he was sweating madly. Tyson was strong, lean, and athletic he had short brown hair. He played in a 30-year-old tackle football league as a wide receiver he was very good leading the league in touchdowns. Then his phone rang and he heard that the police had found 12 bodies at cedar creek.

There are 6 men and 6 ladies said James Bowman (chief of police).

I’ll be right there with my team

Come quick said James

Tyson hurried out the door his team was gathered by the lounge. His team was Samantha Grey, Alexis Matrix, and Jason Tucker.

12 bodies have been found at Cedar creek and we have to leave said Tyson.

Let’s go then said Jason.

When the got there James was there to meet them.

Two other bodies had been found closer to the creek than the others. We believe they were buried around May 21 of this year said James.

Do you think that there are more bodies in different spots said Jason.

Yes it is very possible.

Another thing is that they were all buried in pairs of two. We have identified who these people are and we know that they are couples.

So does he murder in pairs or separately said Samantha.

We aren’t sure yet.

Can you start looking in different spots for bodies my team and I are going back to the office to talk over what we have learned.

New York 7:30 pm, August 25, 2008

What a terrible thing to do thought Tyson, killing innocent people like that. 14 bodies, 7 men 7 women, 7 couples.

Do we know if this person is a man or a lady or if he has anything against these people said Jason.

No said Samantha.

It’s most likely a man because men have more aggression. He must be muscular because the size of some of those guys who died were pretty big said Alex.

I am going to make an announcement to the public that there is a killer on the loose and that they should be careful but in the meantime I want you guys to go home and have a good sleep.

New York 9:30 pm, August 25, 2008

I’m home Sarah said Tyson.

Oh, hey Tyson dinner is sitting on the table it’s meatloaf your favourite.

Thanks. Listen Sarah I want you to be careful.


This will all be over soon.

New York 1:43 pm, August 26, 2008

There is a killer on the loose and everyone should be careful. He is targeting couples so watch out Tyson announced.

New York 7:53 pm, August 26, 2008 Tyson walked home in the park and saw a huge muscular hideous man carrying a huge package. Tyson heard a scream come from the package and he knew that it was the killer.

Stop Tyson yelled.

The man dropped the package and ran.

Tyson ripped the package and there was two bodies his wife, Sarah, and his best friend Jason. Sarah jumped out into his arms she was bloody and beaten but Jason was still and dead.

Ahhhhh Tyson screamed and he ran after the man.

He arrived at a huge shack drew his gun and ran in. no sign of the man. He noticed a door at the back and tried to open it, it was locked so he rammed through it. He walked forward still no sign. He then felt strong arms on his neck and he couldn’t breathe. He spun out of the chokehold and punched the man square in the nose. The man punched back and Tyson fell down his gun went flying. The man dived over Tyson for it. Tyson kicked him in the stomach and the man curled up on the concrete floor. Tyson grabbed the gun. The man kicked it out of his hands and jumped for the gun. Tyson wrestled with him for the gun. Tyson ripped it from the man’s hand cocked it and shot him in the head.

New York 2:30, September 1, 2008

The killer has been caught and has been killed. He was doing these things because these people had so much and he had nothing Tyson announced to the public. I would also like to take this time to announce my retirement. I have lost a friend and this experience is too much. I want to get a different job and spend more time with my wife.Thank you. _________________________________________________________________

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Golf club

Right in front of me

My enemy white and rounded

The dimples glare in the shining sun

The green land beyond me is my target

Wanting to avoid the trees

The round thing stares at me not moving

I watch it

Never taking my sight off it

I know what I have to do

Pull back and smash it

It soars through the air

I am quite proud

Can’t wait until next time

In this poem I am trying to make the reader be in the eyes of a golf club. I wan the reader to feel how much the club wants to hurt it.


My amazingly great dad

Basketball skills are pretty sad

He misses his shots

He still thinks he’s hot

The jump

My friend, enemy

I speed off it and I soar

This time it is my friend

When I am saying that it is my friend or enemy it means I am landing or falling.

Boys in the Hall

They walked miles and miles in boots and shoes
To wipe out poverty, no time to lose
Where was the fairness?
They marched for awareness
Sad situations upon which to muse

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dogsledding poem

Dogs first
Wake up
smell smoke start to choke
Every 5 minutes lie on the floor to breathe
the cold air soothes your lungs and you can't get enough
breakfast is ready and sausages tickle your throat
you want to savour but you swallow
time to harness the dogs
there excited and pumped
try to run off but you have a good grip
you get them on your sled and off you go
the wind whips your face
feed dogs
pet dogs
love dogs
dogs first

Thursday, December 13, 2007


287 Lytton Blvd
M5N 1R7

Mr. Tom Stevens
Head of Admissions
Royal St. Georges College
120 Howland Ave
Toronto, On
M5R 3B5

Dear Mr.Stevens,

I arrived at The Sterling Hall School in grade 1 and have liked it right from that day. I love going to school especially this year because of my great teachers and the exciting new leadership roles. My favourite subject is English since I love learning words and my teacher, Mr. Coles, is great. I am the Community Service Prefect since I really enjoy helping others. We have met on December 5, 2007 and I really enjoyed it. I am well suited for this school because I do a lot of community service and I am a caring, hardworking kid.

On December 1st I attended an Out of the Cold dinner and I loved it. We had to set the table, make the dinner, serve the food and clean up. It was great to give something to people who are not as fortunate. I participated on the SHS U-14 Soccer team and it was a blast. We did very well and finished first. I am playing on the squash team this year and it's great. It's the first time I've played and I already have learned a ton.

I think I can contribute in many ways at RSGC. I could help out greatly in Community service, athletics, and academics. I think your trips are amazing. I love debating and I have heard they go to England! I would also love to go to Tuscany for a Global Outreach trip and to Japan with the band.

I think I would fit in great at RSGC because of my great qualities and since I know so many kids there. I think your school is amazing and it's my first choice.


Luke Stein

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Edited poem


I lie on the table motionless waiting for him
My newly sharpened point glints in the sunlight
I am wooden and plain there is nothing too exciting about me
The giant walks toward me and picks me up
He puts my point on the paper and starts writing
At the start he grinds me across the page
After a minute his ideas start to come
Little does he know it is because of my brilliance
While he is reading I am used as a drumstick against the side of the table
Over the few months I have been alive I’ve been bitten and thrown
Whacked and lost for a while
It is so unfair, we are smarter and more valuable than these worthless humans
But they get all the credit for the writing and they get treated well
I guess that’s the way it is
I can’t convince these giants what they’re doing is wrong
I don’t have a say in things
After he is finished he drops me on the table runs away to play
And I’m alone again